Mylo Xyloto

Complete album details, tracklist, and 1 unboxing

Artist: Coldplay

Release Date: 2011-10-24

Genre: Rock



  • Released: October 24, 2011


    Mylo Xyloto

    Mylo Xyloto
  • Mylo Xyloto - Tracklist

    1. 01. Mylo Xyloto
    2. 02. Hurts Like Heaven
    3. 03. Paradise
    4. 04. Charlie Brown
    5. 05. Us Against The World
    6. 06. M.M.I.X.
    7. 07. Every Teardrop Is A Waterfall
    8. 08. Major Minus
    9. 09. U.F.O.
    10. 10. Princess Of China (feat. Rihanna)
    11. 11. Up In Flames
    12. 12. A Hopeful Transmission
    13. 13. Don't Let It Break Your Heart
    14. 14. Up With The Birds

    Official YouTube Playlist


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